Course Syllabus
Class Syllabus & Overview
About Algebra 1A
Course Description
Algebra 1 A
Pre: Recommendation of Eighth Grade Math Teacher and Math Placement Test Score
Credit: 1 Gr: 9
Algebra 1 A is a course designed for those students who have demonstrated the ability and motivation to successfully meet the challenges of a rigorous approach to mathematics. It is the first course in the A level sequence of Algebra 1A, Geometry A, Algebra 2A, and Pre-Calculus A. The Common Core High School Standards for Mathematical Content topics that are covered in this course are: the study of real number properties, working with and writing algebraic expressions, working with and solving equations and inequalities, absolute value equations and inequalities, linear functions, systems of equations and inequalities, quadratic functions, exponents and exponential functions, polynomials, factoring, probability, and radical expressions.
This course is designed to provide students frequent and varied opportunities to integrate and master the Standards of Mathematical Practice. Students will make sense of problems and persevere in solving them, reason abstractly and quantitatively, construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others, model with mathematics, use appropriate tools strategically, attend to precision, look for and make use of structure, and look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Algebra 1 A is rich in applications and problem solving. Real-life applications involving business, carpentry, medicine, physics, and engineering motivate algebraic ideas and provide the settings for practice of algebraic skills. Students are expected to read and think critically about their homework assignments, work cooperatively with others, use technology and take personal responsibility for their learning in terms of completing in-class and out-of-class assignments. Technology is integrated throughout the course where students will learn to use the scientific and graphing calculators appropriately.
Evaluation of student performance is based on tests, quizzes, homework, projects, a mid-year exam, and a final exam.
The following standards will be demonstrated in Algebra 1A:
Cross-curricular Standards
- Students at E. O. Smith High School will communicate clearly and effectively.
- Students at E. O. Smith will become proficient with and apply the standards for mathematical practices.
- Students at E. O. Smith High School will apply creative and practical approaches to solving problems.
Mathematics Content Standards
- Students will reason and model quantitatively, using units and number systems to solve problems.
- Students will interpret, represent, create and solve algebraic expressions.
- Students will interpret, analyze, construct, and solve linear and quadratic functions.
You are responsible for bringing your notebook to class every day. It is important to take complete, organized notes in class and at home. If you are absent, you are responsible for watching the posted videos online within 1-2 days.
Extra Help
As soon as you feel lost or confused in class it is important that you get extra help immediately! Wednesday mornings will be set aside during hybrid and distance learning for online help sessions with Mrs. Brown. You must schedule an appointment by Tuesday at 3 pm so that Mrs. Brown can set up Zoom invites if necessary. Students from the same course may be grouped together.
You can also get extra help from one of the math tutors. Ms. Cashmore is available daily in Rm 118. Ms. Hnath is available online daily. They are both available on Wednesdays as well. You can drop in during a study hall or make a weekly appointment.
You can find assignments, videos, and other class information on the Canvas site.
I look forward to working with you this year and if we work together we can make it successful and enjoyable!!
Assignment grades are updated electronically in Canvas. Large assignments such as research papers and projects may take longer to grade but should be posted in a timely manner. For such assignments, teachers will use the “collected” icon to designate the assignment has been submitted.
A legend describing symbols signifying characteristics of an assignment (late, collected, missing, exempt from grade, assignment not included in grade) is displayed below.
Category Weights
Formative Assessments
Formative assessments are assessments for learning that capture a student’s progress through the learning process. Formative assessments explain to what extent a student is learning a concept, skill or content knowledge. Formative assessments will include homework, classwork, and summer packets. Formative assessments will be 15% of the final grade based on the course or academic level.
All work that is assigned to be completed during non-class hours such as but not limited to practice, preparation, review, extension of learning, etc., is considered homework. These assignments are an integral part of the learning process and foster independent learning skills.
You should expect (on average) 30 minutes of homework after each class. Assignments will be posted on Canvas daily.
All assignments will be submitted online until further notice. They will be due before class starts each day. You must show all of your work to receive credit. Since we will go over the homework answers in class everyday, no late homework will be accepted.
Summative Assessments
Summative assessments are performance tasks of learning. Summative assessments are a comprehensive measure of a student’s ability to demonstrate the concepts, skills and knowledge identified in the content area graduation standards. Summative assessments will include quizzes and tests. Summative assessments will be 85% of the final grade based on the specific course or academic level.
Make-up Work
Late formative assignments are not accepted for unexcused absences. Tests and quizzes can not be made up for unexcused absences.
Late formative assignments and summative assessments are accepted for administratively-excused absences. All excused late formative assignments and summative assessments must be completed and submitted in accordance with the school make-up policy.
If you have an excused absence from school, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and make up ALL missed assignments. It is also your responsibility to submit all missed homework assignments within the appropriate amount of time. If you are out and have a question about missed assignments please e-mail me at and I will get back to you as soon as possible. I also encourage you to get contact information for a classmate.
Assessment Procedures/ Practices
Only assessments that measure academic performance will be included in the overall grade. Non-performance based changes to the grade (extra credit, dropping lowest grade, rounding, curving) are not permitted.
The Math Department assesses on a continuous basis for instructional purposes but does not offer re-assessment for the purpose of grade adjustment.
Class Participation
Class participation is an integral part of learning and instruction. However, it is not calculated into the course grade.
Exemptions may be granted to individual students as a result of an intervention from the Collaborative Assistance Team (CAT), a 504 plan, an IEP or the Director of Mathematics.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |